MAGE-ML[magb] is a XML file format. The data extends format created from MAGE-OM[magg] (Object Model). The MAGE-OM is a standard for the representation of microarray expression. In comparison of the ADF format, MAGE-ML is more expressive and contains much more data -not only array design data-, according to the MIAME. The ADF (Array Design File) format contains only information about array design, compared to MAGE-ML, which can contain all MAGE object (like materials, LIMS, ...).

The MAGE-ML, as XML format, is structured following a document type definition (DTD), available from OMG web site [magc]and MGED web site [magd]. The last release of MAGE-ML DTD is the 1.1 version (at time of writing) and this is the one which will be considered ans supported in this project

MAGE-ML must be created following MAGE-ML Good-Practice[mage].
